Talented Women, Talented Leaders
How to Design Programs to Attract,
Engage and Retain Women in Leadership
Keynote Presentation or Workshop
Are you concerned about attracting, engaging and retaining talented women in your organization? Many companies are, and for good reason. Businesses that attract, engage, and advance women achieve higher profitability, increased productivity, and greater overall performance.
But progress is slow. Too slow.
Retaining talented, high-performing women is a challenge for many organizations.
Often, there’s a perceived lack of mobility for women in organizations; an invisible drop-off where women no longer progress. It’s difficult to hide the lack of women in senior leadership positions. Talented women become disenchanted by the harsh reality that even when an organization is committed to and focused on women’s initiatives, the culture and climate make it difficult to succeed. As a result, talented women are either choosing more attractive opportunities, or they’re half-heartedly staying where they are and a feeling like they can’t give their best.
Despite the challenges, there are organizations succeeding in this area, with some of the best women in their field. As a result, they’re achieving better business results. What if your company were one of them?
You can achieve higher profitability, increased productivity, and greater overall performance by leveraging the talents of women.
- Talented women, happy and engaged; wholeheartedly performing at their best, and improving business results for the company all at once.
- Being an employer of choice for high-achieving women.
- Women advancing throughout your organization and serving as role models for next generation women leaders.
The Program: The Leadership Circles Program for Women in Leadership
Talented women can thrive and advance in your organization. Women accomplish extraordinary results with optimal levels of engagement when you:
- Equip them with strategies and practices that put the reins in their hands, increase their confidence, and show them how to succeed in your organization.
- Create an environment where women feel valued, respected, supported, and understood.
- Connect organizational goals to their individual goals, so they can invest wholeheartedly with their talents and time.
- Strip away the sense of sacrifice that comes with balancing work and life; show women they can achieve success without the stress.
The Leadership Circles Program has been adopted by some of America’s most respected companies, including Microsoft, MetLife, and Adobe and has been recognized as a program that makes companies Best Places to Work.
What Clients Are Saying:
It’s important for me.
“This program is shining a spotlight on women in leadership and giving us that recognition and support. It’s important for me. It gives me a sense of fulfillment, empowerment. I feel like I’m valued.”
It’s made Accenture a better place.
“I am proud that we’re making this kind of investment in women in the firm. I have some exceptional women on my management team, and the more we can do to help them continue to be successful, we should do. It’s made Accenture a better place.”
Your Presenters
Our leadership development programs for top talent and women in leadership are delivered by experienced facilitators certified to deliver research-based programs that get results.
Keynote Speaker, Joelle Jay, Ph.D.

Joelle K. Jay, Ph.D., is a principal at the global leadership development firm, Leadership Research Institute. As an executive coach, author and speaker, Joelle helps leaders achieve top performance and business results. Her clients include presidents, vice presidents, and C-level executives in Fortune 500 companies. Joelle is the author of The Inner Edge: The 10 Practices of Personal Leadership and co-author of The New Advantage: How Women in Leadership Can Create Win-Wins for Their Companies and Themselves.
Engagement Director, Jan Day Gravel

Jan Day Gravel is an executive coach and an associate consultant of Leadership Research Institute (LRI). Jan has over twenty-five years of experience in coaching people to develop their capacity to be better leaders in Fortune 500 corporations, not-for-profit organizations, and federal agencies such as the FBI. Jan has coached individuals and teams to address management issues and progress towards organizational and leadership excellence. Jan holds a Professional Coach Certification from the International Coach Federation.
For More Information:
Contact us at Info@JoelleKJay.com.